Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Team work?

Recently I encounter some incredible team work? I was on duty ED medical area with 2 residents and chief resident working on fever screening area. Recently fever area had not much patient , may be too cold or patient don't want to go to hospital due to cold weather. While I am busy with other 2 residents taking care of medical patients, there are patients sending in resusitation room for examination. So I pick up the phone and ask for assitance backup. On the other side of the phone reply me that he is not available for backup because he is busy with his personal own stuff. I still carry on my work, afterwards I call him again because there is a patient with pneumothorax need chest tube insertion which a junior resident want to try and he need a senior doctor to back him up. The reply on the other side is the same because he is still busy with his own personal stuff. In the afternoon, there comes more and more patients rushed in ED, I called him up again for backup, the reply is the same. Finally I call department chief and tell him the situtation, and suggest he to call him up. Less than 30 minutes, I can see our department CR appears in medical area and said he want to in charge the patient just tranfer in.
What a team work? What an emergency department? What a chief resident?

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