Sunday, December 26, 2004


Digital wallet

When you are travel aboard in vacation but not carry you laptop computer for business, how are you going to do if you runs out of memory card from you digital camera?
1. Buy a new flash card for your DC.
2. Borr0w a computer from others for storing and retrieving.
3. Borrow someone computer and burn the data into a CD-R or DVD-R.
4. Use a HDD as a digital wallet for copying jpeg data from your memory card to your mobile HDD and then delete your memory card data for re-use again.
I use the condition number 4.
I buy a digital wallet Naphus PDP III with 40GB for HK$1498 with memory slots for MS, MS Pro, SD, CF and MMC. So after you taken fully your memory card with your DC, you just copy everything in your digital wallet and slip it back to your DC and format it again for use again.
Quite a convinent and efficient way if you got one or two memory cards.
There is also more choice for your HD like 60GB, 80GB, or even 100GB.
Try one if you like.

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